Sunday, September 30, 2007

Feel Good Now Revolution is Happening

Fact: We live in a toxic waste dump
Fact: We put poison in our bodies and on our skin daily
Fact: We feel like crap
Fact: We can change all of this

Am I slightly exaggerating? Maybe. I suspect there is at the very least, a grain of truth to these statements.
I got your attention, didn't I?
You are here.
This is a good thing.
I sense you want to make changes that make you feel good from the inside out.
I have the perfect formula for you.
No more compulsive eating. No more snacking. No more over-indulging.
Learn how to set limits on what you put in your mouth.
Receive the wisdom on how to implement a portion control plan.
Embrace the motivation to exercise and/or walk alot every day.
Look younger.
Feel fabulous day in day out.
It is simple.
Enjoy life, your life.
Stay in the present moment with ease as your essence is nurtured.
Kiss compulsive and depressive behavior goodbye.
Be perpetually upbeat, positive and happy.
Reap the benefits of feeling good from the inside out.
Have great days...scads of them in a row.
Watch clarity happen.
Feel weightloss happen as a biproduct of taking your health back.
Your mind opens up...creativity flows out.
Wisdom oozes out of you.
You have shifted your energy and lifestyle to one of healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
YOUR inner picture matches your outer picture.
All your organs are brightly colored, fully oxyogenated and working smoothly now.
Health is your priority and the results are amazing.
Audacious and ginormous amounts of energy, stamina, and creativity all come to you easily now
You are becoming a health junkie, a health warrior, a hero of FEELING GOOD
Everything YOU WANT flows into your LIFE with MASSIVE Abundance NOW because YOU FEEL GOOD NOW from the inside out
And you know what?
It is really simple.
No need to smoke cigarettes anymore.
No need to drink massive amounts of alchohol
Lose the cravings for fast food and sweets.
Compulsive behaviors, needless distractions fly out the window and are a thing of the past.
Be amazing in every area of your life.
EXPERIENCE all sorts of fabulous events continually happening to you as your focus shifts to one of success on all all starts here.
By feeling GOOD NOW, by feeling GOOD from the INSIDE OUT, you can have whatever you want...FUN, LOVE, MONEY, WISDOM, an endless CONNECTION to the greater good, and a genuinely fantastic quality of life.
YOU see, the FEEL GOOD NOW revolution is happening now.
Your addiction to MSG melts away forever.
YOU are righteously healthy.

Let's eat the food and take the supplements that LOVE us back now and forever.
Let's be alive.
Let's buck the food industry that has so far succeeded in creating a culture of obese zombies many who have heart attacks and diabetes and die.
It is the silent US genocide attempt and it is coming to an end.
60 is the new 40, 50 is the new 30, 40 is the new 20
Kiss the pharmeceuticals goodbye.
Say hello to continual happiness, well-being, and a quality of life that will knock your socks off. Don't hesitate.
Let's take our power back around our health NOW!!!
Sign up for for my newsletter so you can be the first to read and find out how to Bring Your Body Back into Balance: TEN TOP NOTCH TENACIOUS Ways to FEEL GOOD NOW!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Preventative Health and Wellness Care is the WAY

So I was talking to my mom a few days ago. She is a vibrant 74, still working full-time, feeling great day in day out, doing everything she can to stay super healthy so she can live a long time with an awesome quality of life. Is she an inspiration to me? That would be a mega understatement.

She brought up the concept of preventative health care which is her modus aprendi these days...if we simply take care of our health, she claims, everything else falls into place and our lives become more joyful and invigorating. Mom is right again!

Yet, how do we get ourselves to prioritize our put it at the top of the list so to speak? Many say there comes a time when we have no choice, when too many things are not working right and we are forced into making different choices around health and wellness. Yet can we make changes before things get out of hand?

My gut feeling on this is to get clear on what we want around our health. If we can get to that place inside of ourselves that says, I wanna feel good everyday, I wanna have tons of energy, I wanna think clearly, I wanna be free of all ailments. Is it possible to live this way? simply means making our health and well being a priority. To feel good or not to feel good? YES, that is the question. I know the answer. You do, too.

Take YOUR power back around your health. Tweak slowly, making changes a little bit at a time if that makes it easier. Increase your fruit and veggie intake. 40 to 65% of our diet, it has been stated, rocks when it is fruit and vegetables. Get rid of processed foods, soda pop and fried foods first. They all lack the necessary nutrients to run our bodies because they are filed with excitotoxins like MSG, aspartame and yeast extract which cause us to crave more and eat more. Yikes! Portion control and eliminating processed foods is critical to preventative health care. Once you've been off them for a few days, it gets easier and easier to stay off of them. This step alone will increase your energy, and you will most likely experience the pounds falling of of you. Drink tons of water. Walk ALOT. Sleep 8 hours whenever possible. All of these are an excellent start to feeling good on a daily basis. Decrease caffeine, alcohol and of course, drugs. They all impair healthy nervous system function.

The aforementioned preventative actions and portion control will cause weight loss, lower BP and cholesterol and increase your energy. I will be going into more depth around alternatives to processed foods and sodas in the upcoming blog entries and spend some time on probiotics, flax seed oil, organic virgin coconut oil, and a great recipe for a kale shake. Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fish OIL is Fabulous for Your Brains

Do you have times when your thinking is foggy? Do you feel like you are having a series of pre-senior moments? We all get this way. Lack of sleep, too much stress, the night after serious imbibing, lots of things going on in
your life all at the same time, all of these instances and more can contribute to a real lack of mental clarity. Fish oil is the answer.

One thing we can do that is so easy is take a high quality fish oil gel capusule. I take Barleen's Fresh Catch Fish Oil ( out of Washington State which I sell at Hope's Harvest for $10.99 a bottle. It has an orange flavor added so there isn't a hint of fishy smell or aftertaste. I also carry Spectrum Fish oil, same price, same quality.

We can surely agree that we want to live a life of robust health and maintain phenomenal stamina and an overall sense of well being. I am a believer in supplemental fish oil because it is truly loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids....mental acuity is one heck of a benefit from taking fish oil. There are many other benefits as well. Joint mobility, bone density, skin, hair and nail health, heart health, healthy chloresterol levels, healthy blood glucose, eye health, increased endurance and energy, lean muscle mass, mental health balancing to name several....I mean c'mon, wow...this is like obvious...FISH OIL RULES! But it has to be quality fish oil. Small fish are better because when wild caught in their natural waters in the deep sea, they are more clean..make sure your bottle of fish oil says it is sourcing its oil from small fish like little anchovies, mackeral, sardines and such...they are more apt to have a higher concentration of Omega 3's. You also want to see on the label something about being free of PCBs, dioxins, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and other such contaminants. You know your fish oil is even more potent if the bottle indicates that the oil is pharmaceutical grade fish oil.

What an easy thing to do! Just add a little fish oil to your health routine. Reap the benefits of preventative health and wellness care. Mental clarity and all the rest of it....Let's be proactive with our health so we can feel great and enjoy our lives to the maximum.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Spirulina is the Bomb!

OK, it is true! You drink a couple two or three cups of strong coffee to wake up...maybe eat something sweet....or anytime you indulge and want to get less acidic and more alkalanized...think and do SPIRULINA! Pill or powder form, it is another SUPERGREEN FOOD--from blue green algae-- that is extremely alkalanizing, loaded with B12 and E vitamins, the riches whole food source of Iron, a complete protein, highly rich in enzymes and amino acids. Another way to put it is Spirulina is 95 percent pure can live off it...I put it in my water all day long...probably taking a teaspoon or two per day with all the water I drink so that the strong cup or two of java I have in the morning (still haven't quite let go of that habit--but it is organic and fair trade coffee), will be neutralized.

Yes, folks, the water I drink is bright GREEN and doesn't taste like is very mild! I get a lot of inquisitive customers wondering what the heck is in my water. When I explain what it is and why I do it, they usually pick up some for themselves to try. You can put spirulina powder in juice as well...just know it will turn it GREEN, too.

You can't go wrong with spirulina. It contains over 100 synergistic nutrients and is nature's richest and most complete source of total organic nutrition. It has been said to help lower blood pressure and chloesteral and cure lots of skin conditions like excema, psoriosis, etc.

Spirulina, like chlorella which I talked about in my last post, is a natural detoxifier as well, and balances the pH, all resulting in good all over body balance and enhanced endurance. They compliment eachother and work synergistically to do overall healing in your body....results happen quick. You will notice that you rarely get the common colds or flu going around your neighborhood.

I'm thinking we could all live off the supergreens--spirulina and chlorella and do fine....
Sounds kind of boring though, huh? Yet, isn't it fantastic to know that these supergreen foods exist to assist in keeping our bodies balanced and strong? Isn't it marvelous to know we can indulge in rich sugary or greasy, fatty stuff sometimes and have a quick back -up plan--the supergreen foods--to neutralize what we just ingested?

FYI: a month's supply of Spirulina powder from my store is $5.00 and a month's supply of Chlorella is $17.95.

Supergreen foods are here for a reason...think about bringing them into your world will like the results, I guarantee.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Chlorella Is My Best Friend

What the heck is chlorella????? We could all live on chlorella alone and our bodies would stay balanced....

Chlorella falls under the category of a supergreen food.
Chlorella is extremely alkalinizing which is the key to body balance (cancer and other dis-eases love an acidic that is full of msg, highly processed foods, alcohol, soda, sugar, caffiene, etc.)
Chlorella comes in the form of a little green pill. Fractured cell chlorella is best.
Chlorella is loaded with chloraphyll--7% which is 35 times more than alfalfa.
Chlorella is a powerful immune system builder.
Chlorella is a perfect protein.
Chlorella has a ton of fiber.
Chlorella detoxifies the liver and blood rapidly...results happen quick!
Chlorella removes heavy metals from pesticides, air pollutants and general all around toxins from our bodies.
Chlorella contains all the minerals, vitamins--tons of B's, enzymes, amino acids to supply the human system needs for overall fabulous health.
The nutrients in chlorella enable the body to heal itself.
Chlorella can bring the digestive track back in balance in 3 days approximately.
Chlorella can assist in subsiding fibromalgia, Type 2 diabetes, alzheimers, the list goes on and on...
25 little green pills a day is what I do....detox mania! And I have tons of energy and feel fantastic....
I sell it at from Pure Planet...300tab or 600tab bottles....
My rave on Chlorella isn't over yet....I love are my best friend!

Bringing Your Body Back Into Balance

We all deserve robust health. We all deserve to feel good and be happy. Let's get our bodies back into balance. Many of us spend tons of time oiling up our, motorcycles, boats, name it, but what about the most important machine of all? What about the one that when well-oiled will allow us to further enjoy our lives? Our bodies are, after all, the machines that keep us going. And when everything is working pretty dang ok...guess what happens?
We have mega tons of energy to enjoy our lives and our loved ones more than ever. Our minds become super clear, ideas and creativity flow out of us like a waterfall, intelligence ranks supreme, we are quick and agile, we sleep like babies, stress falls to the wayside...the benefits are endless!

Fact: We live in a toxic waste dump....chemicals in the air and water and soil abound

Fact: We poison our bodies and skin daily when we adhere to highly processed foods, fried foods, alcohol, tobacco, caffience, and skin products loaded with harmful chemicals.

Fact: We often feel lethargic and groggy because of all this.

Fact: We can change all of this. We can reverse the aging process.

Tweak slowly....otherwise, it can be overwhelming.......

"The truth is that beauty and comfort in our own skin and bodies is a natural, effortless state that is too often thrown off-balance by modern assaults, conveniences, and toxins to which our bodies are unable to adapt....Kat James

I want to empower all of us to feel good from the inside out and have more energy and stamina than ever. My future blogs will address this as will the ebook I'm working on...Feel Good Now, Ten Fun and Easy Steps to Bring Your Body Back into Balance.

More to come!

Monday, September 17, 2007

It All Starts Inside

Self love is the ticket...I know it can feel weird to look in the mirror and smile at yourself...but try it...I think you may be surprised at what you see and how you feel.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Drink lots of it...your cells will be very happy. "Consistent failure to drink enough water will lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration. This is a condition where the body's cells are never quite hydrated to their capacity so they are constantly in a weakened state, vulnerable to attack from disease. It weakens the body's overall immune system and leads to chemical, hormonal, nutritional and pH imbalances that can lead to a host of diseases." Bob McCauley..Confessions of a Body Builder

Our bodies are 69% water. The human brain is 85% water, human bones are 25% water and human blood is 83% water...fascinating, huh? Drink half your body weight in ounces to provide your body with the minimum won't hurt to drink more.

And the affirmation for the day, 'You love what is you, and you are loved for who you are.' JM

'The Universe is very clever in how it returns you to your natural state of being. Feel as the energy intensifies relentlessly. You are free to enjoy what you create. You let go and watch how everything you want flows into your life smoothly and effortlessly.' JM

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Choosing Happiness--Part II

Feel Good Now...Ask Me How....this is a working title of a concept/book I am working it? Feedback?

I'm still focused on this concept of choosing happiness. Thanks Shpshftr, my buddy, for all your guideance on this has worked miracles in my overall attitude about life and I know it spills over onto family and friends...boy, do my kids mirror my moods...if I am happy, our household is amazingly peaceful with rare if any outbursts.

So much of my life has been about letting WHATEVER just happen and ignoring my inner power that knew the truth in countless situations. And how many times did I not listen to that voice?

As Abraham of the Hicks fame once stated, "There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance....and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream or not does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be." Abraham 4/4/98
..I choose to listen every time to that voice inside me...maybe not right away, but it naws at me enough and then I choose to listen eventually.

Ok, I gotta crack a joke now...I'm getting too serious...let's see...I'll think of'll come...something that gets me laughing. I lit some incense and dropped the box of stick matches all over the floor. What's funny is I am choosing to leave them all over the floor until I finish writing this blog. Normally, I would be on my hands and needs picking them up and at first muttering minor profaneities, but now finding my 'happy place' and accomplish the task at hand...I'm kind of sick of that overused 'happy place' concept BTW, but it really does do the trick when I find it in the midst of potential torment....catch 22, eh?

So, now I know I self-create and am full of self-love and I commit to this. Yeah, I look in the mirror and smile, yeah I say affirmations like 'I am loved' or 'I am loveable' or the basic, 'I love me'. I even smather lotion or oil all over my body everytime I get out of the shower as a ritualistic way of loving and honoring my body you do that? Try it for a'll be amazed at what it does for your body image. I am an EFT groupie, too...more about that in another blog. It really works and fast!

Outside circumstances that could otherwise get my goat I now choose to let pass by like clouds in the sky (thank you, my dear friend, Frederick Zappone, for that concept!) Another way to put it is to think of yourself as a tree and the breeze or heavy duty gusts of wind just blow right thru you and your strong roots, your foundation of self power hold strong...stuff doesn't hook me anymore or at least not very often and if I do get hooked, I think of these images...the clouds, the tree...and I quickly get back to that feeling good place.

At the core level of myself, I am happy. I grant myself the right to be happy and full of gratitude. I have no reason to feel intimidated or fearful because I am happy not matter what the outcome. Attachments to what others think about me have vanished. I am free to be completely myself. No more self-sabatoge. I am a winner.

Who needs antidepressents? What a scam by the pharmeceutical industry....we can choose happiness and stay off those drugs for good, in my humble excuses accepted...between attitude which to me is about 90% of it and habituating eating and excercise, happiness can be your modus oprendi. Maturity helps alot on this one, too, and hormone balancing (another blog).

I grant myself the right to be happy. And the Universe backs me up. The proof is in the pudding...all sorts of fantastic and cool things happen when I maintain a feel good happy positive vibe. Example....steady flow of customers in my store, new opportunities, unexpected checks in the mail, cool gifts from people...a woman brought me tons of basil and other fresh herbs just yesterday gratis for me to sell in the store and I did. Customers were very happy about this.

I am just happy. I choose happiness over fear. Situations or issues don't interfere with my ever sustaining happiness. I just get happier. It flows out of me like a waterfall. I choose happiness over worry. I choose happiness over stress. I choose happiness over ridiculous little negativity demons that rear their ugly heads and attempt to sway me into yuckidom. I am filled with utter joy on a daily basis. Do you believe me? I'm committed to feeling keeps me feeling good...which brings on more fabulous things in my life....what a great incentive...the cycle of happiness and feeling good and the continued could I not choose happiness???

With the reclamation of my inner power comes an extraordinary level of peace. I am happy. I am peaceful. I am calm. My life is full of happiness to overflowing. It is truly a beautiful thing.

Siouxz from Lake City

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ahhhhh sailing....

Sailing on Jay's boat, Quintessent, a few weeks ago here in Lake City on Lake Pepin....very relaxing as you can see me laying on the deck with good friend, Guy from Mpls...Lily, his wife, took the photos...Mark from Mpls chartered the boat so my kids could have a pirate themed sail...Hope is there with her best friend Angela in the green shirt. We ended up having quite the baloon fight with the enemy pirate ship captained by good friend, Paul from Mpls.
One of the perks of having a health food store in a tourist town on Lake Pepin, the widest point of the Mississippi is that I get invited to go sailing quite often...super fun!

Choosing Happiness

I woke up at 3:45 AM with a strong feeling to write about our responsibility for our own happiness. I have allowed victimhood in my life to reign for a long time. No more. After months and years of figuring out that my powersource stems from within, I finally get it. And from that inner source, comes a gift. It is an awareness that I self create, that I am self-governed, that I am responsible for being happy and feeling good moment by moment. What a freakin' freeing realization when I finally got it. And long it took. I was letting outside circumstances and my surrounding environment, and folks who left me feeling completely depleated and emotionally drained (I call them energy vampires) saturate my life. YUCK!

I am most happy when I'm doing creative work that inspires others. It happens at my store every day with the customers I encounter.....super fun and quite the gift all the characters I run into...more about that later.

About 3 weeks ago, I was enticed to join up with a networking company that was selling a health food drink that I thought I could maybe sell. I was hesitant and went along with the rap of the two players that were working me into a spell. They worked me from the 'we're so cool, our group is so progressive and community oriented and COOL...come join us and be COOL, too...' I got sucked in enough to buy a case of their product even tho I had lots of questions about it. The one main guy seemed defensive with my digging about product content and information...RED FLAG....I kept setting up to be a part of 'the COOL group' and was prepared for my 3rd orientation conference call. I waited for the phone to ring and it didn't. Checked email later and there was one there that said they lost my number. I emailed it back a few emails actually. Well, I never heard from them again. The day before that call I ordered, YOUR PORTABLE EMPIRE, by Pat OBryan....thinking his concept sounded inticing and intriguing.

After a few more emails to the 'Cool group' and no responses back, I started to get the feeling they felt I wasn't quite cool enough for their group. This is so funny to me. At the same time, Pat's book arrives Thursday. I read it cover to cover Friday...get very pumped over the weekend over it. I start a blog Monday. Monday nite I get on "Second Life" and chat with a few of the members of Pat's Portable Empire University and I even talk to fabulous to chat with the author of a book I just inhaled two days earlier...he was laid back, approachable and actually authentically cool! As opposed to the hip network marketers who had a false or fake cool energy about them.

Now, everything is flowing...ideas, projects, all in the vein of Pat OBryan's Portable Empire. I realize, when I let go of the 'cool group'/ network marketing idea for bringing in more income, and turned my focus to the Portable Empire University and actually joined it, the Universe was showing me contrast. The contrast was that network marketing did not feel good to me in my inner core source of power and the Portable Empire University did.

So now on to the creative projects and the support from PEU which is a way more cool and informative and inspiring community...Pat attracts the best...I'm supposed to be right where I am now...I can feel it and it feels real good right now in the it should every moment of the day....all right!

Siouxz from Lake City

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Tribe

Josh--upper left...16 mellow, prefers hanging out with adults, loves tennis and wants straight A's and to be an orchestral bassoon player for life...self proclaimed NERD and proud of it, Leo
Gus...lower right...10...intellectual, reader, Runescape addict, french horn player, soccer enthusiast, intense personality, Pisces
Roy...upper right...9...math wiz, kinetic, lover of soccer, basketball, and flag football, introvert, video game king, Heroscape guru, gorgeous eyes, Aquarius
Hope...lower left..7...artist, dancer, singer of High School Musical II songlist, magical manifestor of many things including a bike she won at school last spring, soccer queen, fast and quick, small and mighty, name sake of my organic health food store, Capricorn

oh yeah...

You are absorbing information from everyone around you. It's as if you have an idea antenna and the thoughts keep coming your way. Practicing your listening skills can pay off at this time, but it may be easier to receive the data than it is for you to do anything concrete with it. Try to integrate theoretical thinking with the practical realm. Doing so will allow you to apply what you know.

Time to Hit It

Ok, I've joined Pat OBryan's Portable University, now its time to hit the books! He's got an extensive and super cool library of videoed and audio seminars broken down into topics that I'm going to go thru one by one...I've already started in fact...juicy stuff, for sure.

Simultaneously, I've started writing a chapter outline for one of my products I'm creating, 10 Fun and Easy Ways to Bring Your Body Back into Balance--a Guide to Look the Way You Feel Inside

as well as the inevitible, Magical Manifesting: A Single Mom's Guide to Having Everything You Want Without Living on Welfare.

Of course, there are a slew of other project ideas, they are just bursting out of me these days....lots to do with health and wellness and creating the life you want, manifesting, etc.

Catch and Release is a single mom's guide to dating ...that is a fun one for sure.

How to start a music also one of my faves....

One at a time, they will happen!

Breathe, laugh, create your day..oh is a beautiful thing to choose happiness. And to be right here, right happens and it is a gas!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Signed up

Yes, indeed, today I joined up with Pat OBryan's Portable Empire University....I respond well to a community of folks supporting eachother. Last nite on Second Life which was my first time on, I skipped the tutorial and headed straight for Pat's Portable Empire Island...I fumbled my way friend, Sean followed me in and assisted me alot....I flew, I bumped into walls and I actually got to chat with that was a gas! How often do you read a book, love it, and then chat with the author in a whole other Universe?

Whew whoo...I'm well on my way of step by step creating my portable empire...still wondering if I should create a whole new website for my products or sell them on my store website.

Loving this day, loving this moment...65 degrees, not a cloud in the sky...simply magnificent!


siouxz from lake city

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


All that matters really is right now.

Sh#T, 9/11

I can feel that collective pain and rage seeping in me today....I just ragged on a friend, I feel all teary and sad for odd reasons...collective grief...sometimes it enters in....I just gotta let it pass like clouds in the sky as a friend would say...and make way for the blue sky....
Why was I listening to Willie Nelson, 'Stardust' just now? It totally put me in that melancholy place...yucky....

My former stepdaughter's four year old is fighting for his life on a respirator and all sorts of wires and tubes in the hospital after contracting ecoli and then a hospital borne staph infection. He was playing in the mud with his brother after the floods that hit 3 weeks ago in SE MN and SW WI....I am so sad for this young family and their boy and his little 2 year old brother...sending good love healing vibes out to them....

May we all get thru this day a-ok....remember the good stuff, feel the feelings, and let them pass and get less in our faces....

siouxz from lake city



race upstairs
race downstairs
comb to heads of hair
race upstairs
race downstairs
go thru backbacks
sign daily assignment books
race upstairs for hoodies
race downstairs
is there a method to this madness
hop in car
leash Carl
ride to school
tell everybody which bus to's bus for the boys, mom's bus for Hope because of dance class

race to school
forgot to give out vitamins
were there any moments of bonding

come home relax,
compile dishwasher for a load...pack it in
play good music
talk to ex
go to work
start the day

Today's Word is Breath

remember to breathe.....all day long....take in cleansing breaths...enjoy your breath

off to drink my organic dark roast mexican coffee and take Carl for a walk down by the river where I will sit on my rock and clear my head and get ready for the day....

siouxz from lake city

Monday, September 10, 2007

Women Who Cook

That's me...after hamburgers from Jerry's organic farm and Rising Moon Organics Mac and Cheese...right now....the in the moment feel good thought....when there is resistence to the activity you are about to partake in....put on some good this case, Kilowatts and Vanek, the perfect vibe created now I can cook for the tribe....

Last blog was soooooooo long...that won't be a habit, I guarantee...

Feelin' Good...My Story Begins....

OK. I knew the when the intolerable had become tolerable, I was in trouble. I had to leave my emotionally abusive marriage if I was going to surivive and thrive. After 9 years of living on an organic farm, doing what I call organic slavery, working morning til, poppin' out babies with my husband--a loving, hippie, organic, controlling, spoiled-brat, farmer,genius, doing a CSA, farmers market, music forum, etc. fun people, just way too much...I was whithering. Our relationship was not in any way nurturing to our individual selves or eachother as a couple...we were way to busy....there was no time to do homeschooling which is what we were choosing for our kids who were running around wild (maybe that isn't such a bad thing!) I felt there was no time to emotionally connect with the kids or just hang out with them or play with them. I was distant from my oldest son from another relationship This tortured my heart. It was overwhelming and I was close to going down and becoming physically sick. I was tired and unhappy and worn out and everyone could see it....later after being away from the marriage for a few months, many many people would come and divulge how concerned they were about me, how constantly exhausted I looked. We took a vow to live in lack and volunteer poverty. We took an unspoken vow that is. I amalgomated to what was required to live in that setting. Work till you drop. Steven's favorite saying was 'man finishes house, man dies...' he was not going to quit beating his body into the ground anytime soon and at 55, he was crumbling...curved back and a slew of health problems. Self nurturing was viewed as selfish and therefore, unacceptable. This was truly an unsustainable lifestyle and I had to get out of there....and I had to show my kids that there was a healthier way to live that didn't include rage attacks and stressful workaholic endless days, shame and slavery with a twist...

All I know is that my ideas weren't respected, I wasn't respected...I was there to work my ass off, cook, clean, be a depository for his semen (pardon the graphic imagery...but that is what I felt like), and jump to whatever he wanted at any given time. I allowed all this to happen...I own my part...I allowed him to get away with all of this for many reasons--I didn't set appropriate boundaries in the beginning about what I needed in the relationship because of my own insecurities and victim and abandonment issues. I got trampled, walked all over and felt incredibly not in control of creating my life. I WAS ALLOWING my life to pass me by...yuck!

My guts and heart were screaming out that this wasn't right, that there was indeed something more, that my kids were missing out on being calm and happy kids, that they deserved safety and love and peace and calm minus yelling and stress and abusive words and shame and blame.

IN mid June of 2005, I signed a lease on a house in town not clear of where my income was coming from...all I knew is that I loved myself a little bit more that day and it was time to leave that organic slavery scenario for good...for the sake my emotional, physical, spiritual and financial well-being and that of my kids. Three days later an offer from Dawn at the coffee shop came to me to open a health food store next to her business. I have been in the organic health food world business off and on for 25 years...I know the business, I know the products, I could do this. I love organic food and I love feeding my kids organic food...this was the perfect opportunity. I had actually been visualizing it for a whole 2 years prior as a way to support myself and my kids. The concept was becoming a reality and falling right into my lap I was attracting what I desired .... I was in the midst of repeating a mantra that seemed to stave off fear from moving forward...' trust the Universe'...and things indeed started to flow..I moved into the house July 1st, 2005. And then the .money came in...$40,000 over 3 months for store start up came in all sorts of ways...personal loans from all sorts of people, friends, family and complete strangers. A new customer wrote me a check for $21,000 on a handshake that I would pay monthly payments overyears! I knew I was in the flow, manifesting was happening and fast. Aug 31 was the first day of school and the day I opened the store, HOpe's Harvest whoooo hooooo ...Somehow I mustered up the courage to do all of that...I had a lot of support along the way.
Trust the Universe...I said this over and over again...

I trusted the Universe. And without hesitation, the Universe came forward and provided me what I desired. As the Universe expands, we all is time to do something new and take this to the next level...the internet...share my story, share my knowledge, share how to leave victimhood behind and find your inner power as a exciting is that? I realize I am in charge of creating my life and it is possible to raise my four kids--ages 16, 10, 9, and 7 on my own. I am sitting in my lawn chair out on the deck, September 9, 2007, drinking a Summit India Pale Ale....relaxing knowing that I am creating my portable empire right now and will continue to do so on a daily basis. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, it is truly a beautiful day. Ebook ideas abound, life is glorious. I am going to be very good at selling my books with my copywriting...I will go to Internet Marketing seminars...I will be raw and original and creative and me...lots of videos, interviews, health tips, newsletters, blog, is time to get creative and be an intelligent, single mom, writer, food store owner, internet marketer and have lots of fun with it! I love the idea of promoting feeling good by feeling good and looking good from the inside out...I love the idea of promoting the latest cutting edge ways to eat, the superfoods, super greens, super fruits and supplements to take to stay in LOA alignment on a physical level so that your emotional, spiritual, financial, physical, relationship and work pieces all align.

I used to think because of familial programming, that deep down in an insecure place within me, that a man would provide all of the above....that a man would take care of me and save me...I found comfort in that. Yuck! My grandma went through four husbands to have her needs continual met mom broke that cycle when she divorced my dad and proceded to support herself....and now I too am looking at my life at 43, a divorced mother of four and realizing I truly am the creator of my world...everything I choose to do is because I made a decision....I have four children. I rent a house that is for sale right now. At any point, we may have to move. I own a health food store in a small tourist town in MN that sustains it self...but I'm also working 7 days a week...with two women working for me, it still doesn't leave much time for me to have fun with my kids or do my own thing. Something has got to shift. This I know to be true. When Pat OBryan and Joe Vitale did a whirlwind marketing extravaganza, I without hestitation bought the book on did feel hypnotic the way I ordered it....their expert marketing skills worked on was like I was in a trance, just like Pat talks about...there was no question, of course I was going to buy that book. I admit it, I desire financial security, freedom and basically wealth. I can't rely on it coming to me via the lottery or some other easy money way. I must gather up all my creativity, intellect and skills and create my portable empire. How am I going to do that?
I am going to reveal my process of creating revealing moment by moment what I do on a daily basis to live a life that is truly one of my own creation. My ebooks, newsletters and blogs are going to share daily, weekly, bimonthly and when ever I feel so moved, what the heck I am doing to apply the principles so clearly laid out by Pat O'Bryan. I will also share my knowledge and wisdom on how to everyday wake up happy, and feel robustly healthy, intensely wealthy and divinely wise. Women are afterall very powerful creatures. I am going to show all of you my power, my approach to single parenting, my focus on staying happy moment by moment, my take on living in the 'goldzone,' ....creative, fun, intuitive, nurturing and continually happy. I will reveal all of my health tricks...what I do to stay robustly healthy, trim, high energy, upbeat, grounded...I will share with you the most current health and wellness trends, what people are doing to keep their bodies in balance, alkalanized, cancer free and fit as a 20 year old. I will share secrets on how to look on the outside how you feel on the inside and how to feel really fantastically good from the inside out. I have tips on how to increase your energy level, stamina, how to eliminate PMS from your life as well as menopausal symptoms like hotflashes, ideas on how to increase your libido, how to sleep like a baby every nite, how to have vibrant and glowing skin , how to have a beautiful body from the inside out. I will teach my techniques for owning a brick and motor health food store in a small tourist town and how I sell what I sell successfully every day and keep my customers coming back. I am here to feel good and to send you good vibes so that you can feel good everyday all day....we are, afterall, responsible for our own happiness.

I'm going to go clean out the produce cooler in my store...more to come!
aka...siouxz from Lake City!