Sunday, October 7, 2007

Chili Chili Appleseeds

Yes, it was 86 degrees and humid yesterday. Not real ideal weather for chili-making. October in MN? Strange weather indeed. Still, I and a friend slaved over a hot stove in the local catholic church making chili for a couple of hours. Why? It is Johnny Appleseed Days here in Lake City this weekend. Lots of apples, apple pies and big time events spread throughout the community. I participated in a chili cook-off. Several teams entered and we did taste testing last nite at the Sportsman's Club.

My chili consisted of not only all organic ingredients, but also local, pasture-raised buffalo. Of course, I put a few jalapeno peppers in there to give it some fire. 200 people sampled it, I definitely got some votes and several came back for more. The guys next to me had perfected a seafood chili with crab, shrimp and other shell fish, not to mention chocolate as their secret ingredient. They aggressively pulled the votes in by 'selling' their chili with excessive verbage...nothin' wrong with that tactic, and it actually amped all of us up a notch or two as we marketed our chilis and yelled, cheered and clapped whenever anyone dropped a vote in our bucket.

It was a fun nite. No I didn't win first prize. The Kiwanis Club did and the rest of us came in second! However, I did educate some folks on organic food and local buffalo which made it all worthwhile. Let's face it, I love people...and The Chili Cook-Off for Johnny Appleseed Days was one more way I could interact and have fun. And large fun I had!

If you want my recipe, let me know...I'd be happy to post it. Also, if you have a recipe, let me know...especially one with chocolate in it.

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