Friday, November 16, 2007

Watch the Stuffing...Bring On the Gratitude

Brainstorm with me, if you will,
all the ways we can prevent
over-stuffing ourselves this Thanksgiving
...your digestive system will be glad you did.

Send me your brainstorms, pretty please.

Reality is that our organs don't like it
when we chow down and
inhale large quantities of food in one sitting...
it stresses them out and everything
sits there in a big lump not moving.


Start your Thanksgiving morning with
a wake up call of gratitude.

[Phone rings]
"Wake uuuuupppppp.....what are YOU grateful for???"

List on paper EVERYTHING you are grateful for in your life
....from the air you breathe, to the great cup of coffee
you are sipping on, to the socks on your feet,
to your family, friends, shelter, food, clothing,
transportation...everything you can think of.
This act alone will put you in a mindful
and grounded place where you are much more
conscious and aware of your surroundings.

Chances are you will also feel good and have more
energy just by doing a gratitude list.

Eat a well rounded breakfast with protein
and fiber and minimal carbs.

Next, take a walk.
Get some really fresh, crisp fall air.
Breathe it in deeply.
Say 'I love you' or 'thank you' over and over
again to clear negative thoughts
and bring positive energy to the forefront.
This will get your blood pumping nicely
and further put you in a serene place.

Drink some tea, preferably with a teaspoon
of organic virgin coconut oil in it.
This will curb your appetite and reduce cravings for sweets.

Nibble on some raw veggies and/or fruits to maintain a nice glucose level.

Prior to the big meal, say a half hour before,
drink another cup of tea with 1 tsp of organic
virgin coconut oil (
in it.

This will definitely warm you up and
fill you up enough to reduce the temptation to overeat.

Bring a plate of raw veggies and dip to the event
so that everyone has access to alkalizing their
digestive tract. Fact is, raw veggies make
your insides HAPPY!

Stay in gratitude mode.

Count wine as carbs because
a glass of wine is considered
a serving of carbs!

Fill your plate with two thirds
vegetable side dishes and
one third turkey.

Minimize carbs and stuffing servings
if at all
The wine is your carb, remember?

Chew slowly.

Return to a place of gratitude continually.
Make grateful thoughts
your mind chatter.

Laugh a lot!

Have fun.

Enjoy your family and friends.

Love, love, love.



Drink more tea.

Eat some pie!

HAPPY Thanksgiving, everybody!

1 comment:

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