Honey and cinnamon work synergistically together and actually prevent a multitude of health disasters so says some internet literature...I choose to believe and take this concept to heart....believe and it is so...this is how I live my life...it is fun and makes sense to me.
I believe we'll be living in my dream home, I believe I'll be driving a sporty 6 seater for me and the tribe and I believe my store will expand to include a deli and juice bar. I believe the kids and me will do more fun stuff together because I believe in the concept of playing more and working less. I believe I can support my kids on my own. I believe in living my life passionately and being passionate about everything I do. This is fun to me. I believe in the synergistic power of honey and cinnamon. It is simple.
Arthritis, heart disease, gastro-intestinal issues, bad breath, colds, cholesterol levels, skin ailments among countless other dis-eases of the body all are impacted by a steady dose of honey and cinnamon. Why? They keep inflammation down.
And they are so yummy. How simple. Do a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of hot water twice a day and see what happens. I've noticed a stronger immune system (actually I never get sick so I know my system is super strong) and I feel lots of energy from increasing my intake of honey and cinnamon. Folks who are allergic to yeast or have candida might not want to partake because of the sugars....diabetics should be ok with all the data coming out around cinnamon and its ability to regulate blood glucose.
Maybe it all so simple.
Take blame, for example. It is simple to blame others, outside scenarios, outcomes, but yet, what are the results of blaming?
Blaming doesn't feel good on the inside if you really stop and check in with how you feel after you have just blamed someone or something. Yucky, right? That's how I feel.
Not feeling good suggests being out of whack.
Being out of whack is the same as being out of alignment. Being out of alignment prevents good things from happening to us.
Do you want to be out of whack?
I doubt it.
Do you want to feel good?
I bet so.
Guess what?
Guess what Joe Vitale--the superman of the Law of Attraction and one of cool wise guys on the movie, The Secret has just reminded us in an ass-kicking kind of way?
Not 50%, not 75%, not 99.9%. He says, I am 100% responsible for my life. It's true! Wow. That certainly takes all the power out of blaming others, situations, circumstances, and outcomes for the way things have gone in my life.
We are all 100% responsible for our lives. I'm with Joe. There's really no getting around that fact.
We are who we are.
I can't be you. You are you. I am me.
I have choices. So do you.
We can be happy.
We can be healthy.
We can be wealthy.
We are all 100% responsible for our lives. I'm with Joe. There's really no getting around that fact.
We are who we are.
I can't be you. You are you. I am me.
I have choices. So do you.
We can be happy.
We can be healthy.
We can be wealthy.
Simple is as simple does.
Messages come to you daily--are you listening?
Two friends just lost their home in to the wild fires in CA...they are letting go and moving on quickly. Another one is preparing by watering his house and cutting down trees because the fire is sited 10 miles away right now. Taking action. 100% responsible. Oh yes.
It is simply a matter of alignment. If I am in alignment to what I want, that which I desire comes forth. Maybe not right away, but eventually by virtue of the fact, that the Universe arranges and rearranges itself to accommodate my desires. How cool is that? And how simple....
It is simply a matter of alignment. If I am in alignment to what I want, that which I desire comes forth. Maybe not right away, but eventually by virtue of the fact, that the Universe arranges and rearranges itself to accommodate my desires. How cool is that? And how simple....
There is good baggage. There is bad baggage. This is pretty simple, too.
Good baggage is my Frida Kahlo plastic carrying bag from Mexico filled with books--Pat O'Bryan's Your Portable Empire, Esther Hick's The Astonishing Power of Emotions, my notebook, my laptop, my wallet and checkbook, the local paper, three cookbooks and some bills. Soon, I'll have Joe Vitale's new book The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want. I have to have Pat's laid-back and authentic wisdom and Esther's kind and gentle wisdom and Joe's in your face wisdom and anybody else that comes forth and says something I need to hear...this allows me to access the truth, to wake up and I sure as shit (that is how some Minnesotans talk) know exists inside me...I know it is there. This wisdom that they all proclaim to be so. It is so. I believe this. And I buy their books because their process, their words, their experiences inspire me to keep accessing what all ready exists inside me. I wake up when I listen. And the results for me is that I feel good, I feel inspired, and I feel in alignment.
Good baggage keeps me in alignment with what I want.
I carry my good baggage around with me everyday. I look like a bag lady with a leather coat and moviestar sunglasses.
The good baggage makes me a better person. I use my good baggage daily. It is how I stay in alignment.
The bad baggage are the inner barriers that fence me in. I don't want to be fenced in. The bad baggage doesn't believe, doesn't allow and eventually throws me out of alignment so far that even the chiropractor, Dr. Nate, can't realign me. Bad baggage does not feel good. It isn't fun. It prevents me from being passionate about my life.
I want to believe. I want to be in alignment. I want good stuff to happen.
I want to be passionate in everything I do.
This is my fuel. Good baggage, all encompassing passion and cinnamon and honey....(well, I'll throw in supergreen foods, too, as I mentioned in previous posts...supergreens definitely fuel me and keep me healthy!)
100% responsible. Me. I am that. And that is what it takes for me to dissolve the bad baggage.
It is simple. Like honey and cinnamon.
Out with the bad baggage.
In with the good.
Thank you, Frederick.
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