Sunday, September 30, 2007

Feel Good Now Revolution is Happening

Fact: We live in a toxic waste dump
Fact: We put poison in our bodies and on our skin daily
Fact: We feel like crap
Fact: We can change all of this

Am I slightly exaggerating? Maybe. I suspect there is at the very least, a grain of truth to these statements.
I got your attention, didn't I?
You are here.
This is a good thing.
I sense you want to make changes that make you feel good from the inside out.
I have the perfect formula for you.
No more compulsive eating. No more snacking. No more over-indulging.
Learn how to set limits on what you put in your mouth.
Receive the wisdom on how to implement a portion control plan.
Embrace the motivation to exercise and/or walk alot every day.
Look younger.
Feel fabulous day in day out.
It is simple.
Enjoy life, your life.
Stay in the present moment with ease as your essence is nurtured.
Kiss compulsive and depressive behavior goodbye.
Be perpetually upbeat, positive and happy.
Reap the benefits of feeling good from the inside out.
Have great days...scads of them in a row.
Watch clarity happen.
Feel weightloss happen as a biproduct of taking your health back.
Your mind opens up...creativity flows out.
Wisdom oozes out of you.
You have shifted your energy and lifestyle to one of healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
YOUR inner picture matches your outer picture.
All your organs are brightly colored, fully oxyogenated and working smoothly now.
Health is your priority and the results are amazing.
Audacious and ginormous amounts of energy, stamina, and creativity all come to you easily now
You are becoming a health junkie, a health warrior, a hero of FEELING GOOD
Everything YOU WANT flows into your LIFE with MASSIVE Abundance NOW because YOU FEEL GOOD NOW from the inside out
And you know what?
It is really simple.
No need to smoke cigarettes anymore.
No need to drink massive amounts of alchohol
Lose the cravings for fast food and sweets.
Compulsive behaviors, needless distractions fly out the window and are a thing of the past.
Be amazing in every area of your life.
EXPERIENCE all sorts of fabulous events continually happening to you as your focus shifts to one of success on all all starts here.
By feeling GOOD NOW, by feeling GOOD from the INSIDE OUT, you can have whatever you want...FUN, LOVE, MONEY, WISDOM, an endless CONNECTION to the greater good, and a genuinely fantastic quality of life.
YOU see, the FEEL GOOD NOW revolution is happening now.
Your addiction to MSG melts away forever.
YOU are righteously healthy.

Let's eat the food and take the supplements that LOVE us back now and forever.
Let's be alive.
Let's buck the food industry that has so far succeeded in creating a culture of obese zombies many who have heart attacks and diabetes and die.
It is the silent US genocide attempt and it is coming to an end.
60 is the new 40, 50 is the new 30, 40 is the new 20
Kiss the pharmeceuticals goodbye.
Say hello to continual happiness, well-being, and a quality of life that will knock your socks off. Don't hesitate.
Let's take our power back around our health NOW!!!
Sign up for for my newsletter so you can be the first to read and find out how to Bring Your Body Back into Balance: TEN TOP NOTCH TENACIOUS Ways to FEEL GOOD NOW!

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